RamRisk Change Log



  • API now exposes map markers for risks and controls
  • Risk targets can now be ordered explicitly, rather than always being ordered alphabetically
  • New color picker with more options for the matrix colours
  • Bar plot report element uses new renderer
  • Flexible matrix colors
  • Flexible matrix axes
  • Flexible matrix origins
  • Status statistics report element uses new renderer


  • Upgraded Postgres to 14
  • Upgraded Python to 3.11
  • Upgraded Django to 4.2
  • Fixes error where transferring projects between contracts would lock out all of the users on the contract
  • Improved wording when risks with open controls/actions
  • Fixes issue where status wasn't respected when creating new causes/effects
  • Fixes broken CSM matrix
  • Adds handling for NUL characters in public facing forms to prevent potential security issues
  • Fixes crash for IFC export
  • Fixes issue where email subscriptions would bring back user identities on contracts where they were anonymised
  • Remade the project list with minimal JavaScript to circumvent script-injection vulnerabilities
  • Fixes issue where overview matrix would show points in wrong locations
  • Fixes issue in reports where opportunity matrices would show with risk colours
  • Fixes issue where cause/effect would be created multiple times and share the ID
  • Fixes issue where causalities that were attached only to controls were considered unattached
  • CSM risk page performance improvements
  • Colors for Risk map markers are now set immediately for new markers


  • Contract owners can now assign multiple contract managers
  • UDF math fixes. Opportunity variables were not resolved correctly
  • New datepicker with a "today" button
  • Hides 2FA panel from profile for SSO users
  • Fixes incorrect project count on contract page
  • Fixes issue where groups could not be renamed
  • Fixes issue related to sorting on risk value of specific matrix
  • Fixes issue where risk navigation panel didn't respect ordering
  • API key on profile is now hidden, so as to not leak it during presentations


  • You can now choose which evaluation type to create/remove from matrices. Previously, you would always add "present" and remove "all"
  • Renamed the "Risks map" menu point to 3D
  • Excel export now include comments
  • Ownership statistics report element now uses new template approach
  • Fixed UI bug where risk title field would be too small
  • Renamed "control" to "safeguard" in IS0-12100
  • The Contracts' Active Users page now show the projects of users
  • Risk list report element now allows for fine grained choices for what parts of the control information to include
  • Added setting in overview filter to filter controls and actions on their relation to risks in the filter
  • Added indication on Active users if they can no longer sign in with SSO
  • When transferring all ownerships from a user on a contact, you can now transfer just the ones that work, rather than stopping at first error and rolling back


  • SSO is now available. Needs configuration per tenant
  • Reporting: You can now sort your data by individual matrices
  • Course sign-up notifications now have ICS calendar objects attached
  • 2D map: View now opens to user's location rather than Helsinki
  • 2D map: new locations now start at the center of the user's view rather than the "home coordinate"
  • CSM terminology and UI configuration is now available
  • UDF: Math/Formula field is now available as an option for UDF field types
  • "Risk title change" preferences can now be set on users profile to control how to handle titles when description updates
  • Controls can now be linked with causes and effects

  • RamRisk and SafetyEngine has been split into two separate apps

  • Google ReCaptcha has been replaced with Cloudflare turnstile
  • Info about emails we send are now logged on the server
  • All ownerships of a user across projects can be transferred in bulk from the contract
  • PowerPoint reports have been fixed and are working again. Still must be enabled per contract
  • Data Processing Agreements can now be defined per contract
  • Terms of service are now agreed to by individuals rather than just the contract owner
  • Data retention rules have been put in place, such that old closed contracts will be deleted
  • Negative values in simulations with triangular distributions are now calculated correctly



  • Risk title setting: user profile now has a setting for how to handle risk titles
  • ControlCausality: Controls can now be linked with cause/effect
  • RiskBIM #### Featureset has been migrated to RamRisk
  • Access logging - We now keep separate log of access to all contracts and projects
  • Course signup UI has been improved
  • Contract page now shows users that are only on closed projects
  • Staff access management added for superusers
  • Terms are now individually accepted for each user and not only by contract owner
    • Check safety-engine side
  • Data retention constraints are now enforced, and data will be deleted after a year
  • Fix bug where simulations failed for negative consequences with triangular distribution


  • User management issues have been fixed so we can reliably add players and admins
  • List columns can now be re-ordered: In select tables for now
  • Frozen headers on tables
  • Sitemap #### Features hidden until we can add a better UI
  • Look and feel changes to a more Ramboll-branded experience



  • Contract owners can now re-assign ownership to another member on the contract
  • The value at risk report element charts now properly shows whether it is risk or opportunity matrix
  • Minor fixes to missed terms


  • Backend now properly supports multiple contracts and multiple projects, and there is no longer any reference to "MobileApps", but instead "ContentBundles" that exist globally and can be enabled per contract
  • ContentBundle overrides can be defined per project if declared by the bundles
  • Check-ins can now be tracked on the backend, when app users scan the provided QR code to check-in and check-out
  • Notices can now have attachments



  • RiskCausality API endpoints
  • Upgrade Python 3.6->3.8
  • Upgrade Django 2.2->3.2
  • Standard reports feature
  • Automated agreements rollout with migrations during release
  • Contract page performance fix
  • UDF support in the API
  • Mandatory categories
  • Mutually exclusive tags
  • Ability to rename report elements (custom titles)
  • Better error messages for the simulations in overview and reports
  • A lot of hotfixes here and there, sorting out instability caused by SafetyEngine platform introduction
  • Slight improvements to copy-from-project page (spinners and performance)
  • Powerpoint reporting
  • Reintroduced warnings when creating a control without owner or deadline
  • Horizontal alignment of report pages
  • Redesign of comment section on risk page to wrap better
  • Contract owners can dump active users to Excel
  • 2-Factor authentication
  • Dropped IE support
  • Multiple models loadable in the BIM viewer
  • Excel Import tools simplified and available on the frontend


  • Interactive map
  • Excel export of player data
  • Files classifications
  • Logistics module
  • Observations module
  • Added players, files, safetey observations to the platform
  • Added gamification platform #### Features
  • contract page
  • project admin page


  • Trial account option
  • Interactive tour for new users
  • A lot of minor bugfixes and improvements


  • Risk list: new column for controls
  • New causes/effects list
  • New confidentiality column in all tables
  • new column for references in tables
  • Causes and effects now have statuses
  • Relative timestamps feature for simpler reporting
  • BIM viewer improvements
  • Excel export from the lists now use ordering of the list
  • Copy from project allows copying related evaluations, custom fields, categories, and tags
  • Alphabetical sorting everywhere now respects the language of the user
  • Several performance improvements
  • New, better styling for manuals


  • Risk detail page has been reworked
  • BIM viewer feature
  • User defined fields feature
  • Risk review feature
  • When closing a risk, ask what should happen to controls
  • Free text search for IDs now support open-ended ranges
  • Added units to evaluation cells in the risk list
  • Interchangable terminologies support
  • Attach existing control: Status filter fixed
  • Fix report UI to be less confusing on what you can do in terms of access
  • Fixed report element titles and labels to be more consistent
  • Fixed some UI issues for cost of controls
  • Fixes some UI issues in the overview when matrix descriptions ran long
  • Frontpage now available in all supported languages
  • Upgraded from Django 1.11 to 2.2
  • When creating a new contract, we can now create a new user to be owner directly


  • Cost of controls added to application
    • Extra chart added to status overview in the controls section
    • New field added to Control List and Control Detail page
    • Added to our API, with support for create, read, update and delete
    • Added as an option to Estimated Cost of Controls and Value at Risk report elements
  • Qualitative matrices are now supported in the overview and qualitative matrices have a new view option in reporting
    • The option: Use quantitative matrices is added to Matrix overview / view options
  • Layout changes
    • New filters added to Overview, Risks, Controls, Actions, Responsibility Page, Remap Ownerships
    • Better design added to admin pages
    • New design on responsibility page
    • Copy risk target changed to new design, will popup in modal
    • Handles added to projects and folders on project list page, should be used when reordering projects/folders
  • Copy from projects will also include causes, effects and tags
  • Project search on projectlist
  • German language added to our solution
  • Profile page optimized, so subscriptions and list settings are loaded asynchronous
  • Warn user if projectgroups with saved reports are deleted and inform user, if saved report are based on deleted projectgroup
  • Circles added to evaluation type selectboxes
  • Scurve fixed
  • Labels fixed on report page, so they will trigger the correct element, when clicked
  • Missing translations added
  • Scrollbar added to control dialog.
  • API section added to the frontpage
  • Triplets validation fixed
  • Help menu redesigned
  • GDPR Bug fixed when projects transfered
  • Middleware added to secure entire app against readonly users
  • Insecure removed from migrations
  • Unused field "active" removed from risk model
  • Dropdown will show correctly, when report elemented are edited


  • Fixes governance issue where some users could not create projects even though permission was given
  • Fixes issue where sorting was not properly loaded when editing report element
  • Fixes crash when selecting empty project groups in overview and responsibility page
  • Fixes issue where "Copy from project" page could not filter controls and actions on their tags


  • Now allows users to choose whether to retain or forgo confidentiality when detaching causalities and controls
  • Fixes rendering issue when having many relations on a control
  • Makes more room for tag names in the categories and tags overview tab
  • Now produces a warning when a control, cause, or effect are about to be detached from its last confidential risk
  • Fixes an issue where "Scale with budget" did not react when clicking "Update"
  • Fixes issue where templates could be turned into projects and users losing access
  • Fixes wording "Fractile" -> "Percentile"
  • Fixes a range of translation issues


  • Properly align matrices on risk page
  • Add ordering tool to report timestamps


  • Increased/Decreased risk list report element now properly only reports change in present evaluations
  • Fix broken UI preventing admins from changing users' subscriptions
  • Fix broken UI preventing admins from unsharing users' reports


  • No longer word-wrap IDs in tables
  • No longer duplicate cause and effect descriptions in risklist report element
  • Fixes typo in causality dialog
  • Fixes issue where responsibility page didn't properly filter controls
  • Fixes issue where governance prompt could not be accepted


  • Fix rendering issue on risk target admin page in IE
  • Governance tags
  • Recurrence crash
  • Responsibility page project names
  • Improved causality dialog


  • Fixes missing matrices in report risk evaluations filter
  • Fixes sorting risk list by cause/effect. Now numerical sorting rather than string sorting


  • Adds a completely knew look and feel to the entire application
  • The responsibility view now has improved filtering tools
  • The responsibility view now works across projects
  • When in the process of creating a new risk, hides or provides feedback for controls that won't work until saving
  • Fixes issue where bulk editing might override all tags. Affected project have been fixed
  • Fixes issue where bulk editing tags would not create correct log entries
  • Excel generation is now done asynchronously, making sure that it will not timeout for long running exports
  • The horizontal scrollbar on the lists is now always visible at the bottom of the screen
  • Improves layout of categories- and tags tab on the overview page for projects with many tags in each category
  • Improves bulk-edit form UI, such that users cannot submit incomplete forms, resulting in unintended updates
  • Fixes an issue where the value at risk report element would result in error, if filter found no risks
  • Fixes an issue where status filtering on the TodoCount report element was inconsistent
  • Fixes issue where control- and action excel export did not properly filter on related objects
  • Fixes issue where a risk list report element of type "New" would override the users choice of status filter
  • Fixes issue where the small risk navigation list would not properly filter and jump to first match


  • Fixes counting error in barplot and value at risk report element


  • Fixes crash when using contact form on front page


  • Fixes issue where generated filenames were not safe for excel exports


  • Fixes risk navigation, so redirecting works again after updating filters
  • Fixes risk navigation, so that filtering from the list carries over again


  • Fixes risk list performance issue when filtering any evaluations
  • Fixes crash when saving file references on controls
  • Fixes issue where newly input manual assessment might disaply incorrectly after switching back and forth on evaluation type
  • Fixes ordering of categories and tags in filters
  • Highest risk on the risk list can now show empty evaluation again
  • ctrl+click can now be used on links in tables to open in new window
  • Fixes rendering issue for lists in projects with many tags
  • Fixes heights of multiselect dropdowns


  • Fixes issue dialog headers would wrap into content


  • Fixes crash in statuscount report element. Incorrect access to label dates
  • Fixes crash in barplot and statuscount element. Used unpickleable datastructures
  • Fixes crash in risk list excel export
  • Fixes crash when updating cause/effect with no changes
  • Fixes issue preventing "OR" logic when filtering evaluations


  • Makes lists editable, so users will not need to go the every individual object to edit
  • Allows for bulk editing of list items, such that a single change can be applied to many at a time
  • Allows for multiple sorting directives on lists, rather than just one
  • Adds List Settings section to lists, so users don't need to go to their profile to make changes
  • Adds Norwegian language to the entire site
  • Adds Causes and Effects as their own objects, rather than plain text
  • Contract owners can now rejoin their projects as "admin" after having been set to "user"
  • Added loading spinners to overview to clearly show what tabs are still loading
  • Removed "Add Risk" button for read-only users
  • Confirmation is now properly prompted when trying to close control dialog with unsaved changes
  • Fixes issue where the Barplot report element didn't properly count highest risk evaluations in gross and nett types


  • Fixes issue where "previous evaluation" might not show up on risk list report element


  • Fixes performance issue when loading profile page


  • Fixes performance issue when opening the control dialog


  • Fixes issue in highest risk calculation across gross, present, and nett


  • Add relevant indices to temporal table columns
  • Fix missing name in email template


  • Fix remaining numbering issues in project 57
  • Fix crash in excel export when filtering on no owner
  • Add loading indicators to overview tabs


  • Fix numbering issues, again


  • Adds performance fix to overview
  • Fixes filtering issue on risk page
  • Fix numbering issues in various, old projects
  • Fixes GDPR issue, where anonymised users retained a link to actual user
  • Adds ReCaptcha v3 to the contact form on frontpage to combat spam


  • Fixes remaining possible cause of ordering issues
  • Fixes issue where email subscriptions did not work
  • Fixes issue where empty reports could be saved
  • Fixes issue where some users could not edit report elements


  • Fix issue where risk list report element ordered risks incorrectly


  • Fixes risk-, control-, and action-numbering in specific project for client


  • Fixes issue where control list filtering unattached controls could not be exported to Excel
  • Fixes issue where filtering on owners or tags in the overview would cause a crash
  • Fixes performance issue on tag filtering
  • Fixes issue where confirm dialogs triggered many times for references


  • Fix UI issue when removing and re-adding report elements from report


  • Fixes broken reports that didn't have project_groups stored


  • Allows users to "Apply current filter" again
  • Allows users to "Copy to my reports" again
  • Fixes an issue where project selector reset when editing report elements


  • Allow users to generate shared reports again


  • Fixes crash when exporting to excel
  • Fixes JS issue preventing report creation for some user
  • Fix saved reports structure, where first item is not an integer
  • Don't show "None" in owner column on lists


  • Adds cross-project reporting functionality
  • Adds report elements to the API
  • Fixes crash when attempting to open action with no owner
  • Fixes issue where value at risk report element data table was always empty
  • Fixes inconsistencies in API user resource structure


  • Fixes opportunity colors in risk list
  • Fixes ordering issue in risk list
  • Introduces Risks v2 API
  • Fixes issue where API page_size=0 crashed on empty queryset
  • No longer paginates the small risk list on detail page
  • Fixes issue where the "add risk" page kept reloading


  • Fix incorrect numbering of risks, controls, and actions in specific project


  • Make risk list on the risk detail page work correctly again
  • Make the risk list on the risk detail page load asynchronously


  • Adds various performance improvements to risk detail page. Not a complete solution, but 2 critical and several minor bottlenecks fixed


  • Adds performance overhaul to the risk list


  • Fix comment db views broken by previous hotfix


  • Fix broken history left by faulty GDPR migrations
  • Fix status filtering in the overview status page


  • Adds Gross/present/nett to the overview
  • Helps users fill in triples of matrix classes
  • Fixes issue where API didn't respect default confidentiality
  • Fixes issue where API could set Risk.confidential, which should be read-only
  • Fixes missing translations


  • Fixes issue where overview matrix tab could not plot evaluations that were too low to fit axes
  • Fixes issue where risk list text filtering was inconsistent between lists and report elements
  • Fixes issue where report page Label form's initial date did not respect timezone
  • Fix missing import and incorrect join causing crash when sorting reports on control owner
  • Default confidentiality not respected in UI. Moved logic to model layer, so it is always respected
  • Make Risk.confidential readonly for API users as it should have been


  • Fixes display of incorrect users in some report elements (and overview by extension)
  • Fixes crash when exporting user list from contracts page
  • Adds missing fields to meta store API resource
  • Fixes crash in ownershiplist report element
  • Fixes issue where comments were ordered incorrectly and not editable


  • Fix broken database view of project role history
  • Make all signals weak=False, so we don't fail silently
  • Fix inconsistency, where projectroles and projectgroups don't line up


  • Evaluation types can not be chosen from in overview
  • Fixes crash in control dialog for controls with no owner
  • Fixes crash when updating notes on log entries
  • Fixes empty output when filtering log entries on user
  • Fix crash when renaming inactive user on a contract that is at capacity for inactive users


  • Adds new Excel combining view of risks, controls, and actions
  • Changes API access from project to contract level
  • Adds GDPR controls for contract owners to download or anonymise user data
  • Adds new, prettier error pages
  • Fixes mistakes in API documentation
  • Adds API Meta endpoints feature
  • Adds logging of confidentiality changes
  • Ownership on closed tasks can be retained when user leaves project
  • References to other projects now again restricted to enterprise contracts
  • Governance #### Features, letting contract owner setup rules for their projects
  • Fixes issue preventing switching the language on the front page
  • Adds Project resource endpoint to API


  • Fix issue preventing evaluations from being created through the API


  • Fix filtering of "add existing controls"
  • Fix issue where cross-project overview worked for any project, regardless of contract setting


  • Adds a lot of new functionality to the API: All basic resources and write access
  • Adds a "remapping" tab to the admin page, where users' ownerships are easily remapped
  • It is now possible for staff to disable the S-curve on contracts
  • Admins are now allowed to delete project users' comments
  • A confirmation dialog is now displayed when attempting to delete a risk target
  • UI alignment fix in risk targets page
  • Fixes crash when viewing logs for deleted file references
  • Fixes issue where removing the deadline from a recurring control would cause crashes
  • Fixes issue where the control dialog got out of sync when removing relations
  • Fixes issue where clicking relations in the control list would open the control dialog
  • Fixes a number of missing translations
  • Fixes issue where values in the matrix zoom view did not update when changing evaluation type
  • Fixes issue where numbers were formatted as strings in Excel output
  • Fixes unclear meaning of the budget line on the S-curvse
  • Fixes issue where the reserve was not properly saved for risktargets with opportunity matrices
  • Fixes inconsistency in how users were shown in dropdowns
  • Fixes date formatting in the user graph on the contract page
  • Fixes an issue where read-only users could not create comments through the API
  • Fixes an issue where filtering on dates in the log would cause a crash
  • Fixes bad formatting in the log
  • Fixes performance issues in the overview
  • Fixes performance issues in the contracts list
  • Fixes performance issues in the control dialog
  • Improves performance in the risk list
  • Improves overall performance
  • Fixes an issue where actions could not be displayed in the risk list report element without also showing controls
  • When closing a recurring control, the status will change back to the previous one rather than always going to "Planned"
  • Allow a project admin to close projects from the admin page


  • Fixes issue where risk-, control-, and -actionnumbers could be duplicated inside projects


  • Fixes rendering of risk title in value at risk difference report element


  • Fixes issue where deadline emails were sent daily
  • Adds simple improvements to part of our performance problems in the lists.


  • Fixes an issue where incorrect error message is shown when transferring projects to contract with too many users
  • Adds overview of amount of signed agreements to the contract views


  • Fixes issue, where users did not receive deadline email notifications
  • Fixes crash when using "include previous" in risk list report element
  • Fixes crash when saving matrices with only mid-values in their frequency and conseuence classes


  • Attempts to fix issue where reports sometimes never finish
  • Fixes crash in report value report element


  • Fixes errors in mail subscription handler


  • Adds the possibility to include comments in risk-, control-, and actionlists in reports
  • Project admins can now delete comments, even when they are not the authors
  • Adds an "agreements" section to the contract page, where contract owners can review and accept agreements
  • Improves performance for the overview
  • Improves performance for the control dialog
  • Fixes issues where the password reset request would treat the email as case sensitive, causing users to not get the email when inputting their email incorrectly
  • Fixes an issue where ios devices could not edit categories and tags
  • Fixes and issue where risk target selection in the report filter was not properly reset before editting a report element
  • Fixes dateformatting throughout the application to be ISO-8601 compliant
  • Fixes an issue where the selected matrices in the value at risk report element would ignore the filter
  • Fixes an issue where excel documents became corrupt when exporting data for projects with no categories defined
  • Fixes an issue where copying a risk target to another project would not include the unit definition
  • Changes the risktarget admin page to always show budget and reserve fields
  • Adds back the old icon on the risk page that shows whether or not actions exist for a control
  • Fixes issues with activating users
  • Fixes issues in translation strings
  • Closed projects are no longer selectable in the overview filter


  • Fixes issue where not all tags would show up in the control dialog


  • Fixes a grouping issue of tags in the control dialog
  • Fixes an issue where users could not edit inactive users if the contract limit for inactive users were reached
  • In the filter on the overview page, we now show whether a matrix is risk or opp.
  • Fixes a bug in the API that would not allow to filter controls on owner=none
  • Fixes a bunch of smaller issue with the control dialog
  • Fixes unicode error when serving manual
  • Fixes error in risk list report element where "include previous" would always show the previous "present" evaluation rather than the selected evaluation type
  • Fixes rendering issue in risk list report element when using "include previous"
  • Make the control dialog open faster
  • Fixes crash when quick adding users
  • Fixes crash when activating user while using i18n


  • File references. Users can now make a reference and attach a file to it, which can be downloaded by other users
  • A shorcut for creating projects have been added to the project list
  • It is now possible to include risk titles in the control list. It is enabled from the user profile
  • A visual change (color) has been added to evaluation circles, where manual assessment has been performed
  • Django version has been upgraded to 1.11
  • Python version has been upgraded to 3.6
  • React version has been upgraded to 16
  • Secondary dependencies have been upgraded where appropriate to best accomodate the primary dependencies
  • Matrix classes could be set to NaN. This is now prevented on the backend, and database has been purged of these occurences
  • When copying data between projects, you could previously access more templates than you should. this has been fixed
  • Added a lot of missing translations
  • Fixed an issue where "Hide unevaluated" button did not work for other languages than english
  • Fixed an issue where the control list could not filter and sort at the same time. It would produce an empty list
  • Fixed an issue where you could not add tags when creating a control (only when editing an existing one)
  • Added error message when using S-curve for matrices with frequencies outside of [0;1]
  • Fixed issue where the overview barplot tab showed risk colors for opportunity evaluations
  • Fixed an issue where inactive users could not be activated when language was not english
  • Fixed an issue where inactive users could not be activated when default confidentiality was on
  • Improved search in owner fields to be more flexible
  • Fixed a lot of styling in the control dialog to be more in line with other dialogs
  • Pressing the escape key will once again close the control dialog, as with other dialogs
  • Fixed a lot of minor styling issues throughout the application
  • Added new version of the API manual with corrected URL addresses
  • Fixes an issue where control- and action list dialogs in the overview never displayed any owners
  • Fixes search for existing controls


  • Fixes filtering in old overview tabs. "Show" button did nothing


  • Fixes rendering issue and subsequent crash in the overview when using Firefox


  • Fixes crash in API control filter


  • Fixes crash in overview matrix tab


  • Adds API feature to be enabled for contracts on demand
  • Adds a new tab to the overview with evaluation matrices
  • Adds new report element to determine the most valuable controls
  • No longer delete evaluations without confirmation
  • Adds placeholder text to search fields
  • Fixes incorrect calculations in contract user timelines
  • Fixes issue where groups with members could be deleted while default confidentiality was on


  • A bug in contract timelines has been fixed
  • Default language for new users has been set to english
  • Updates to import strategies


  • Replaces FA4 webfont with FA5 SVG icons to fix issues with IE on recent windows versions
  • Fixes the value at risk report element, so the legend shows the right values with the right colors
  • Fixes a case where report docx document was corrupted
  • Adds warning when attempting to overwrite an explicitly set evaluation


  • Don't warn users when trying to save new risk again. The previous solution appeared to not be working in FF
  • Make password reset view email input case insensitive


  • Don't warn users when trying to save new risk


  • Adds hidden feature for exporting excel dumps for specific dates
  • Fixes a few UI issues on the frontpage
  • Changes the wording of from/to to "starting at"/"ending at", to make translations easier
  • Fixes an issue where consequence descriptions would incorrectly displaty %-symbols
  • Fixes an issue where quick adding users with too long name would crash without proper error message
  • Fixes layout of reporting output such that the filter descriptions have more readable spacing
  • Reinstante accidentally removed feature that warned users when trying to leave the risk page without saving their changes
  • Fixes styling, so that unnecessary scrollbars are not dispalyed in IE
  • Fixes an issue where actions could not be tagged


  • Fixes issue where control tag filter did not properly show the category headers in the dropdown


  • Fixes issue where consequence descriptions were not always displayed in reports


  • Fixes issue where confidentiality dialog could not be opened


  • Add Finnish language to the platform
  • Fixes crash when tagging actions
  • Remove unnecessary scrollbars


  • Adds graph for contract admins to view how user counts have evolved through time
  • Adds minor fixed to reporting
  • Make confidentiality UI work more intuitively


  • Fixes missing link in attach/detach log elements


  • Fixes issue where translations broke the overview barplots tab


  • Fixes issue that caused log to show changed_from in changed_to for evaluation changes


  • Updates text on the landing page


  • Fixes inflexible UI in report timestamps selection


  • Fixes crash in status statistics report element


  • Fixes issue where some log elements displayed "None" in place of their risk target name
  • A number of translation fixes
  • Adds small UI changes to allow for translations that make words longer
  • Fixes crash when clicking some of the piecharts in the overview
  • Fixes possible crashes when tagging risks. Errors are now handled gracefully
  • Fixes possible crashes when handling report timestamps. Errors are now handled gracefully


  • Fix a long list of translation issues


  • Fixes issue where barplot report element would crash when having multiple timestamps


  • Fixes issue where deleting a matrix would update the "modified" date of all risks in the project
  • Add a migration that fixes the "modified" date for the project of the user that reported the error


  • When adding new users, they did not appear in the list
  • The risk page would warn against leaving, even though changes were saved
  • Excel sheet headers are now also translated
  • Fixes issue, where some parts of the UI would say a risk is confidential, when in fact it was not


  • Fixes bug in template that caused copying from projects to not work


  • Allow removing own confidentiality group if removing all groups. Otherwise the risk cannot be made non-confidential
  • Fixes crash in value at risk report element
  • Fixes crash related to display of project groups
  • Fixes a range of wildcard usages that conflicted with translation markers
  • Fixes syntax error in contract template


  • Fixes issue where risks could not be made non-confidential
  • Fixes issue where users could remove their own groups from confidentiality


  • Adds internationalisation to RamRisk. We can now support multiple languages, although currently no translations are ready for release.
  • Until now, all dates have been considered to be danish time. Now comes the option to select the timezone that you desire.
  • Confidentiality was unintuitive, and has been changed to be more clear to the user.
  • The report filter can now optionally work as on the lists, where a control can be filtered by the risk filter, and action by the control and risk filter.
  • The risk list report element can now optionally include the note from the log that describes the change, when using a risk list type other than "normal"
  • the report elements "tornado plot", "barplot", "value at risk difference", and "S-curve" can now display gross, present, and nett evaluations by choice rather than only present evaluations.
  • The risk page is now able to show more than one tab of data at a time, by implementing the more flexible accordion component.
  • Fixes crash when consequence label was too long
  • Removes inaccessible templates from the frontpage
  • Adds default sorting to excel export from the admin page
  • Fixes a layout issue in the risk list, where incorrect icons for highest risk were selected
  • Fixes broken "Show all actions" button on the risk page
  • Fixes display of risk titles on the tornado plot. Rather than truncating them, we wrap to more lines
  • Fixes login issues and adds notifications to the frontpage, which had been removed by accident
  • Fixes UI issue on the report page, where some checkboxes would respond to clicks on other checkboxes with the same name
  • Fixes logic error when choosing "increased"/"decreased" risk lists in reports
  • Fixes reference links to actions, so the user sees the right page when clicking it
  • Fixes crash in bar plot report element


  • Add missing font to landing page


  • Direct release of the landing page for marketing purposes


  • Reinstante notifications on the frontpage.


  • Fix typo in email templates, causing deadline notifications to sometimes come out empty


  • Fixes issue where removing a tag from one control would remove it from all


  • Fix issue where activating new users didn't respect default confidentiality (No data was leaked. Users were dimply given no groups instead of selected group)


  • All references to old control dialog removed in the code base
  • All API endpoints now properly rejects read-only users trying to modify things


  • Creates missing control tag change log entries
  • Reimplement the text diff feature to be cleaner and easier to read


  • Catch exception for max active users. The catch was missing.
  • Properly wraps user- and projectrole creation in a transaction so that no error can leave the database inconsistent
  • Adds test cases for contract max users limit - active and inactive


  • Removes legacy code that hides errors and leaves database inconsistent allowing for half finished new users to be created
  • Adds tests for user creation


  • You can no longer create a risk list report element with "include previous" if you havn't selected at least two timestamps
  • Removes extra line artifact from S-curve plot
  • Fixes image scaling issue on frontpage
  • Fixes an issue where sorting the control list would cause an error
  • Fixes issue where non-printable characters would cause excel export to crash
  • Adds diff view for text changes in the log for better readability
  • Adds the new control dialog to the responsibilities page. It had been implemented everywhere else.


  • Fixes issue where controls- and actionslist could not be filtered using the risk filters


  • Fixes parenthesis error in scurve code
  • Add tags to the excel output
  • Fix remaining malformed users after earlier bug (activation of users)


  • Adds the Monte Carlo Simulation report element, so it is available for contracts that have it enabled. Initially, noone has
  • Adds gross-present-nett options for the S-curve plot


  • Fixes incorrect query parameter: tags -> control_tags. This issue caused the control list to produce errors in some cases
  • Truncates users' first- and last-names, so they fit with the database constraints
  • Fix control list filtering on unassigned owner


  • Fix issue where bulk create box popped up while adding active user


  • Fix conflicting interpretation of User.is_active to avoid logical conflict in login restrictions and project role types


  • Fix user data. Roles were not activated correctly and have now been disabled again, so users can active them properly


  • Fix issue where users could not be activated


  • Fix incorrect argument in function call when activating inactive user


  • Removes accidentally introduced source of unicode errors


  • Fix issue where the api did not use the attachment logic, so any control could be attached to any risk without adhering to the confidentiality rules. Exposure checked. No information leaked
  • Fix broken link in control relations


  • Adds scrollbars, so control dialog cannot grow too big
  • Adds scrollbars, so "add existing" results can all be displayed
  • Fix issue where users could edit other users control comments


  • Date formatting settings very formatted badly. Django does not expect the format string to contain % as Pythons .strftime does


  • Fixes excel export filenames so they don't include spaces. Firefox didn't handle it very well


  • Removes call to deleted method


  • Fix uniqueness query problem. Cannot use distinct, since ordering is unkwown in the given context


  • Adds login security improvements; specifically wards off brute force attacks.
  • Adds bulk create of inactive users. New feature.
  • Adds ability to share controls between confidential risks given that two new constraints are in place.
  • Adds recurring deadlines for controls. New feature.
  • Adds pagebreaks between graphs in all report elements to prevent dangling headers at the bottom of the page.
  • Adds filtering on unattached controls and filtering on related objects to report code. This is only because excel export needs it. It is not available to docx reports yet.
  • Changes excel export to reuse code from the reporting library and change to xlsx format from xls.
  • Changes excel output to be more nicely formatted.
  • Changes "responsible" to "owner" in overview for consistency.
  • Removes the "All controls" and "All actions" section from the overview, since they appeared irrelevant.
  • Fixes inconsistencies between excel export in lists and in admin page. The format wasn't the same.
  • Fixes issue where text filtering did not work in reporting.


  • Previous evaluations on risk list report element now respects filter
  • Adds safeguard for missing timestamps to value at risk difference element
  • Remove nonsense triple_check keyword from S-curve settings. It was a broken reimplementation of something that was already present


  • Fixes an issue that prevented control/action-tags to be modified if they were applied to an action in the project


  • Remove historical evaluation triples from project 654. They had slipped in from what seems to be an old bug, and are now causing issues.


  • Fix issue where dates were not recognized correctly in JavaScript. MM-DD-YYYY was implicitly assumed. A format that should never be used.


  • Fix issue where confidentiality could not be properly changed when default groups were enabled


  • Zeroes out matrix classes for a specific to sort out data issues for the client


  • Possible access to confidential comments fixed
  • Fixes issue where project folders would close the whole tree on click
  • Removes redundant data from the overview
  • Fixes broken URLs to static files
  • Refactors data models to not use auto_now and auto_now_add
  • Fixes missing project names on backwards references
  • Fixes date format inconsistencies for report timestamps


  • Rework sorting logic of the risk list, so as to properly sort on NULL-values on related fields


  • Fixes issue where already implicitly evaluated matrices could not have explicit evaluations activated
  • Fixes a number of cases, where transaction isn't rolled back on error


  • Fixes issue where not all usages of apply_report_filter set distinct properly, causing risk list report element to duplicate risks in some cases
  • Fixes issue where controls and actions that were already done were still counted as overdue in the overview


  • Fixes issue where the default timestamp on the report page was not formatted correctly


  • Fixes possible sources of SQL injection.


  • References are now editable. For any references to objects, that you can access, you now have the option of editing them rather than deleting and creating new ones
  • Fixes a bug in reporting where choosing "All timestamps" caused a crash
  • Fixes a bug in a SQL query in reporting, which would crash in some cases when generating an owner change list element
  • Makes tweaks to the number formatting, so we don't show a lot of unnecessary extra decimals
  • Fixes an issue, where choosing to have tags in the action list would crash the system
  • Fixes possibly privacy issue, where users could retrieve a list of all contract owners


  • Fixes "last modified" dates on a single project that had them corrupted somehow. For unknown reasons, all risks in the project had their "last modified" set to "now"


  • 17.0.4-5 didn't cover all cases. Now we use signals to catch changes to evaluations, so we are sure to update the worst_risk properly. Test have been implemented to assure that this works for all known cases


  • Reverts "last modified" dates on risks, which were mistakenly changed by 17.0.4-5


  • Fix issue where risks could be duplicated in risk list report element


  • Fixes an issue where worst_risk wasn't updated whenever necessary
  • Fixes incorrect caching of worst_risk. It chose color over value
  • Fixes all risk data, so that it now points to the correct worst risk. History has not been touched. It is not a problem, since we do not use the cached value for historical calculations at this time.


  • Fixes issue where tags in overview was not displayed in correct categories


  • Fixes to_precision error for very small numbers
  • Fixes inconsistent log entries for corrupted evaluations


  • Fix incorrect usage of to_precision in value at risk element


  • Disable localization, so number will be formatted correctly again
  • Add missing "reset password" link to frontpage


  • Frontpage is now available in danish as well as english
  • Several SEO and styling related changes to the frontpage. Most notably, the frontpage is now properly located under "/" instead of "/login"
  • Makes sure that projects cannot exist without a contract. This previously caused a lot of annoying issues
  • Includes new float formatting in report elements as well
  • Revises float formatting to be more readable
  • Fixes crash when trying to save comments with no change


  • Fixes sorting on Controls and Actions in risk, control, and action list. Usage of sets were misguided, since these are not ordered. Instead, a utility function has been implemented to yield the same result, namely unique_add
  • Fixes logic error caught in ownerchangelist, discovered by flaky test that previously caused false positives


  • Fixes an issue where overview could not filter on untagged risks
  • Cleans up the tag matching logic some
  • Adds tests for risks, controls, and actions being filtered on tags
  • Fixes ambiguous display of log entries on the risk page. When not refering to the risk, the object refered to is mentioned, e.g. "Control #13 changed status"


  • No longer fail in S-curve plot, if no data exists. Provide an empty representation instead


  • Fixes a recently unchecked edge case of risk level sorting, when using non-explicit evaluations and no mid values are set in the matrix classes


  • Make tags filter on unioned labels instead of id so cross-project lookups work as intended in overview and reports


  • Fixes issue where status changes were logged as numbers instead of the string that describes the status
  • Adds migration to fix status changes already saved incorrectly
  • Updates "change" notification email to include the description of the object that has changed


  • Fixes issue where non-contract owners could not create folders for projects


  • Make sure that all custom SQL "IN" statements are never called with an empty tuple, in order to prevent database errors


  • Instead of truncating tag labels in value at risk report element, we calculate the proper amount of columns to display the tag in


  • Fixes issue where long tag names would be written op top of eachother in the value at risk report element
  • Adds error message for when matrix report element causes IndexError because matrices have different dimensions
  • Fixes issue, where generating report that referenced deleted tag caused a crash
  • Fixes issue where risk level box graphics chose 4 colors when only 3 was used in the project
  • Fixes UI problem, where deadline field in action dialog did not properly reset
  • Changes from modified scientific notation on numbers to a modified engineering format instead
  • Add the email of the active user on log elements. In this way, it is possible for us to see who is experiencing errors


  • Fixes issue where risk level sorting fell back when VaR was 0 instead of NULL
  • Sets proper datestamp on downloaded reports


  • Fixes issue where risks were duplicated in the control list in some instances


  • Fixes issue where explicitly evaluating a risk did not produce a circle in the matrix


  • Don't show success message, when evaluating a risk fails
  • Clicking the currently evaluated cell now updates the evaluation if the frequency/consequence classes has changed
  • Adds warning- and error messages when working with a report that references deleted timestamps
  • Fixes an issue where users received emails about irrelevant deadlines (deadlines of controls where the risk is closed, etc.)



  • Distinct query in overview
  • Reuse code rather than replicating it



  • Overview filter did not include project keys, leading to incorrect queries
  • Report tag filtering did not account for untagged elements, causing crash


  • Account for empty tables in value at risk difference report element


Value at risk diff

  • Respect confidential risks
  • Properly show removed risks as negative value
  • Match evaluations on risk id instead of eval id. If an eval has been deleted and created again, it will have a new ID, but we still only want to show the risk once, that is "Changed" rather than both "Removed" and "Added"


  • Fixed crash when stacking value at risk report element on categories


  • When choosing Discarded/Closed risks as the risk list type, ignore the risk filter values and force discarded and closed repectively


  • Adds migration that fixes deadline log entries, which were not correctly converted to the new format


  • Ownership list report element no longer counts risks twice (use distinct)
  • Fixes occasional crash when updating a RiskComment
  • Fixes incorrect filtering on risk list report element when selecting increased/decreased
  • Fixes risk list report element risk level fallback when selecting increased/decreased
  • Quick add user now works again. It broke due to a type in JavaScript
  • Control- and Actionlist report element sorting was broken due to a previous attempt at making queries distinct, thereby eliminating duplicates. It has now been correctly implemented, so we can have distinct filtering and sorting
  • Fixes issue, where not all risks were shown in the control list. Likewise controls in action list, etc.
  • Adds color as a secondary ordering on risk level. If multiple evaluations share the highest cell value, we make sure to sort by color, so we get the worst color in this case.
  • Fixes risk filtering in ownership statistics report element, so it only counts distinct risks


  • In the matrix report element, account for the fact that selected matrices may not exist at given timestamp


  • In matrix report element, fix error in historical query, which caused application crash


  • Fix issue in matrix report element, where the included "previous evaluations" were incorrect


  • Fix logic error in report filter, which caused filtering by tags to be incorrect when filtering across multiple timestamps


  • Fix issue where barplot report element filtered incorrect risks on early timestamps


  • Changes risk value calculation logic to account for inconsistent historical data
  • Alter historical matrix data to include changes to 'use explicit evaluations'
  • Fix issue where risks were filtered incorrectly when using multiple timestamps
  • Fake frequency/consequence history so we assume that all started in 2010. Makes sure that the values are available at any timestamp. We had previously trusted in the information from the old log about these objects, but this information turned out to be incorrect


  • Because of bad data model, an evaluation will always have frequency and consequence set. They can never be null. Therefore, when calculating risk level, we fall back from non-explicit risk value to cell value, when the risk value is 0, not when it is NULL (since that can never occur).


  • Fix problem that caused emails to be repeated every night, even though they had no new information


  • New versioning scheme. We now use semantic versioning instead of naming versions according to dates.
  • Only show 'critical' color in overview, if it is used in risk target matrices
  • Remove sources of unicode errors
  • Fix display error of users in owner dropdown in control- and action-filters in the report view
  • Filtering using the report filter now properly filters by tags


  • Fixes a number of small errors in the risk list report element


  • Fixes crash caused by ill-formed query


  • Fixes issue where timestamps and their values were not ordered properly in the value at risk report element
  • Fixes duplication of tags in dropdown selection boxes
  • Fixes issue where the "highest risk" matrix was not selected properly in matrix report element
  • Fixes issue that caused infinite recursion and subsequently stack overflow errors
  • Fixes issue where highest risk matrix was incorrectly called "highest opportunity" matrix


  • Fixes an issue where the 'worst risk' field on the risk was not updated in all relevant contexts. Also makes sure that the historical data reflects this.


  • Fixes crash when evaluating a risk


  • Fixes issue where users could not create new categories


  • Removes reference to old attribute names, which caused application crash


  • Fixes issue with report element header information


  • Fixes issue where database primary key sequence pointers were out of sync after migrations
  • Fixes issue where dates were not properly displayed in the report module, when timezone support is enabled


  • Fixes issue where first and second timestamp weren't selected properly. Instead of using the latest two; the latest and earliest were used.


  • Adds risk ID as a secondary ordering instruction for historical risk queries, such that we always have consistent ordering, even when the primary ordering column holds identical values for multiple rows
  • Sorting by risk level has now been implemented
  • Removes incorrect references that caused application crash


Feature release

Log rewrite

  • Introduces temporal tables to track changes to domain data. These temporal tables are queried for data to use in reports, overview, and anywhere that requires a perspective into the past
  • Contains several corrections to logic errors
  • Removes a heap of dead code from the project
  • Doubles the size of the test suite for more stability in newly added libraries
  • Upgrades to Django 1.8



  • Fixes issue where deadline emails was sent with empty content


  • Locks third-party dependency versions, so we do not get unexpected updates
  • Removes floating hyphens from control- and action-list report elements
  • Fixes issue where excel crashed when producing more than 255 columns


  • Fixes issue where users cannot export controls to excel


  • Fixes issue where newly created users cannot login


  • Fixes bulk_create query, which set primary key sequence out of sync


  • Fixes crash when trying to update deadline email meta


  • Fixes crash when trying to create control or action


  • Fixes celery dependency version mismatches


  • Adds better error logging to failing signals


  • Fixes error, where confidentiality groups were unexpectedly cleared, making a risk inaccessible to everyone


  • Add more filtering and search flexibility to the admin page for project roles


  • Fixes a crash, when the project logo is unset


  • Removes non-ascii characters from filenames to ensure no OS unicode problems


  • Fixes a huge number of unicode errors


  • Recover image file, which was deleted by mistake, causing errors in emails


  • Fixes styling of notification popups


  • Remove the notion of "Standard Reports". This was an unfinished feature that shouldn't have been merged with master in the first place
  • When importing risks, controls, and actions from another project, the ordering of their ID numbering is now consistent with the source of the import - that is, they are imported in the order of their IDs
  • Add read-only text to read-only projects in the project list
  • Fixes messages for the "reset password" section
  • Fixes frontpage header meta-data and messages for the login form


  • Fixes crash when reading POST data


  • Bumps the version number. Had been forgotten in previous version


  • Refactors section of code that did not adhere to the HTTP standard of how to use a GET request


  • Fixes crash in overview for single projects


  • Adds touch support for Chrome to the project list. Previously, neither dragging or tabbing worked for Chrome and android browsers in general
  • Fixes issue where the risk list by default showed all risks instead of just new and open


  • Fixes licensing problem with the webfont for the frontpage


  • Adds a previously missing font resource file


  • Moves font hosting to our own host, rather than depending on other Ramboll hosts


  • Adds the correct webfont for the frontpage


  • Adds missing webfont


Feature release

New frontpage

  • A new frontpage was added to RamRisk
  • frontpage adheres to the Ramboll style guide

New folder structure for projects

  • Each user can now organise projects into a tree similar to a file tree
  • The folders in this tree can be targetted in the overview to get joined statistics for every project in the subtree

Default confidentiality

  • Project admins can now set default confidentiality settings for the project
  • Every new risk that is created will automatically respect the default confidentiality settings


  • Fixes crash when adding users to a project


  • Bumps the version number, which was previously forgotten


  • Adds extra import strategies to suit the needs of a specific client's import wishes


  • Fixes crash, when adding a risk while project has ungrouped users
  • Fixes crash, when a project had no settings defined


  • Fixes security issue, where any user could update/delete any comment inside projects they have access to


  • Fixes crash on profile page


  • Fixes a range of report element errors
  • Re-enable signals for the contracts package
  • Add feature where users are notified by mail when contract owner changes
  • Fixes issue where contract currency was displayed incorrectly
  • Fixes issue where link to admin section dissappeared when inside profile page


  • Move around static resources so they are in the expected path


Feature release

Data import

  • Introduces package with utils for excel data import
  • Utilizes the strategy pattern to match rows and columns in any excel format
  • Utilizes simple DSL-like language to define the import process through use of a range of strategies


  • Fixes issue where input fields for categories and tags disappeared on Internet Explorer
  • Fixes unicode errors


  • Fixes crash when uploading logos


  • Adds a range of small fixes to handle file uploads after Django 1.7 upgrade


  • Adds new image upload logic


  • Fixes an issue where newly created matrices could not be colored until refreshing the page
  • Fixes risk value calculation error. Now only present evaluations are counted


  • Simplifies the confidentiality filtering logic


  • Fixes broken logging of IP adresses


  • Fixes sortheader bug introduced by upgrading to Django 1.7


  • Fixes typos


  • Cleanup a large number of magic constant usages. Status integers are now named values
  • Adds logging functionality to docker instance staging setup
  • Removes unmaintained tests


  • Style cleanups for the "View contracts" button


  • Adds missing code for the risk confidentiality filtering system


  • Upgrade to Django 1.7
  • A bunch of fixes related to Django 1.7 upgrade
  • Style cleanups in a lot of places
  • Interaction improvement when coloring matrix cells


  • Fixed string coercings, so they cannot produce unicode errors
  • Fixes misunderstood usage of str.decode()


  • Bumps version number, which was previously forgotten


  • Removes dead code
  • Remove a tonne of VIM related meta comments
  • Cleans up most source code to adhere to coding standard



  • Adds crash log



  • Refactor of Barplots
  • Risklist Excel Export is now working with G, P, N
  • On project join via Contracts View it no longer displays a server error 500
  • Risk restriction lifted from Risk Reserve


  • New Manual uploaded



  • Fixes issue with rotated evaluation markers in the small matrices used in the risk list
  • Fixes issue with none-ascii chars in risktarget names break the report building of the risk list



  • Reverts change that causes save action on Categories & Tags to fail in Project Admin view.



  • Value at Risk - Gross, Present and Nett
  • Email Invitations now contain a direct link to your project
  • In the Contract List view closed projects are now hidden per default.
  • Error notifications changed to provide more clarity


  • Fixed a bug in the risk list reporting element, such that unattached controls are no longer shown in the risk list
  • Fixed a bug that would cause incorrect rendering of the Reports page



  • Changes layout and complexity of emails send from RamRisk.
  • Request password change for first time users of RamRisk.
  • Adds optional email when adding an existing user to a project.
  • Minor changes to layout of responsibility view.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixes issue with controls not getting the right color when upcoming or overdue.
  • Adds actions that are not shown in responsibility view.
  • Removes template projects completely from the list of normal projects



  • Fixes issue with control list not showing the owner, deadline when there are no customized list setup.



  • Fixes issue with the project list by default showing block, read only, closed projects



  • A warning is now given if there are unsaved changes present when navigating away from the Add Risk view.
  • On the PROJECTS page, both closed and blocked projects can now be shown.
  • When creating a report, the progress indicator is now always centered on the screen.
  • It is now possible to choose which table columns to show on the CONTROLS and ACTIONS pages.
  • If no Controls and Actions Tags are defined, the Edit tags button, will now be disabled.
  • In the relation tab in the control view references to risks are now clickable links. Clicking will open the risk in a new window.
  • Attempting to save Categories or Tags with names longer than 150 characters will now explicitly produce an error message to inform you that this is not supported.
  • Reports:
    • A new report element has been added to include difference plots to illustrate the change in Value-at-Risk over time.
    • Project administrators can now remove reports owned by other project users from the list of project reports.
    • It is now possible to include Control and Action References in reports.
    • Layout of the report elements section has been greatly improved and now dynamically adapts to the size of the browser window.
  • Overview:
    • Tool tips with more detailed information are now shown when hovering the mouse over a specific chart section.
    • Redirects from the overview to a given set of Risks / Controls / Actions are now encoded with a compressed URL scheme for easier sharing.
    • The rendering library has been updated and redirect request handling has been optimized.


  • Creating a project through the Firefox browser now works as intended.
  • Unassigned tags are no longer displayed in the tags list for the Control and Action filters.
  • Values are now formatted correctly in the matrix zoom view.
  • Searching in Risk view now returns the correctly filtered list instead of displaying all project risks.
  • Requesting a new password for an inactive user now displays an error message.
  • Overview:
    • Resizing the browser window no longer causes an error when clicking a specific chart section.
    • Filtering on specific evaluations now properly selects the corresponding Risk Targets



  • Fixes issue with search strings containing non-ascii characters.



  • Fixes transaction error caused by old style transaction.commit() call.



  • Fixes issue with html generated lists not being able to sort



  • Fixes issue with cyclic imports introduced by importing views.py in utils.py in the base module



  • Catches exception when an unique key already exists



  • #518
  • #521
  • #522
  • #553
  • #577
  • #556
  • #596
  • #604



  • Fixes issue with action list and unattached controls



  • Fixes issue with unattached Controls always being shown when sorting



  • Fixes issue with unattached Controls not being shown in Controls list.



  • Upgrades Django to version 1.6.11
  • Controls can now also be sorted on 'Risk Relations' column.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixes issue with last modified field on Risks not being set correctly.



  • Removes an error in the url string of a Risk redirect.



  • Filtering Risks from the Risk view will now load the first risk in the returned querySet.
  • Responsible is changed to Owner in the Controls list.
  • In the Control view related Risks are now ordered by id in the 'Relations' tab.
  • The time it takes to save a Control (with a large amount of related Risks) has been drastically reduced.
  • Actions associated with unattached Controls are now accessible to authenticated users.

Bug Fixes

  • Reports: Free text filtering in Control and Action filters now work correctly.
  • Analyzer script has been extended to handle Control and Action tags.
  • The log filter now correctly excludes Control attachments and detachments from Risks not in the filter results.



  • Adds the ability to toggle unattached controls in the control list
  • Adds possibility to add more percentiles to the s-curve report plot
  • S curve is now making a plot for each risk target selected.
  • Removes some of the step when adding tags to a new control/action

Bug Fixes

  • Fixes issue with creating contracts



  • Stacked Value At Risk bar plot, and a raw data table.
  • Add sorting parameters of Controls and Actions to the filter-description.
  • References in reports
  • Caps titles of risks in tornado diagram to a fixed number of characters



  • Fixes issue when there is no control status filter from saved reports



  • Updates the ramrisk manual



  • Adds missing import of datetime



  • Tags on Controls and Actions
    • Setting up Categories and Tags for Controls and Actions in Admin
    • Editing Categories and Tags for a Control/Action
    • Addition to filters in Controls and Action pages
  • Reporting
    • Changes of the general layout of the Reports page
    • Addition of separate filters for Controls and Actions (including tags)
    • Addition of "Controls list" and "Actions list" elements
    • Addition of sorting of data on Controls and Actions
    • Risk list " sorting on title now possible
  • Intelligent update of filters
  • Extensions of Excel export
    • References
    • Categories and Tags



  • New excel import script



  • A finalized overview first iteration.
  • Adds button in contract view to return to contract list
  • Adds correct contract redirect after submits



  • Fixes issue with adding existing project to contract only worked for the first in the list of free projects



  • Removed print statement that was causing issues with logo saving.
  • Fixes issues with the missing ProjectRole save call when saving a read-only user
  • Fixes issue with missing Ajax call when trying to add an existing project to a contract
  • Fixes issue with reports where the description fields is empty such that it causes the docx file to be corrupted.



  • Updated support mail from jesp@ramboll.dk to support@ramrisk.com
  • Updated manual to version 2015 January



  • Removes occurrences of check_business_model decorator



  • Implemented quick navigation buttons for previous and next risk in the main risk view.
  • Grouping of charts in report elements, can be enabled for matrices and bar plots.
  • Export to CSV files has been changed to export to excel files.
  • Added new report element "Tornado diagram - top risk contributors".
  • Implemented possible limit on contract project administrators.
  • Added possible Value At Risk column to the risk list.
  • Implemented vertical tab grouping in contract settings.
  • Ensure minimum password length of 6 characters
  • Hides done/discarded controls in main risk view by default.
  • Alert color on deadlines overdue for controls/actions in main risk view.


  • Fixed issue with email notification settings disappearing in project administration after a refresh.
  • Fixes issue with ordering of categories and tags when reloading project administration page.
  • Fixes issues with erroneous links in emails after migration to .com domain.
  • Fixes issue with copying content from one template to a project.



  • Fixes issue with excel export, coupled with logging of references and comments together with a UTF-8 issue.
  • Migrates data for creation of the "Created comment" log entries.



  • Restricted deadline reminder emails to only exclude done and discarded controls & actions
  • Adds worst risk fix for the analyzer script


  • Removes Highest opportunity from select in report view when no opportunity matrices are available.



  • Makes sure that update_worst_risk function is called.



  • Adds Risk reserve to the S-Curve plot
  • Adds possibility of adding budget to the S-Curve plot
  • Adds the Risk Value to the matrix zoom.
  • Adds the Risk Value to the report element Risk List
  • Adds logging of comments.


  • Changed the S-Curve percentile calculation from numerical to analytical solution.
  • Changes contract log deadline date formatting.



  • Fixes issue with the browser back button exposing raw JSON data format.
  • Reporting issue with reports generation not finishing a memory segments not being released to OS.
  • Control list counter can now count to more than 100.
  • Logo can now be saved even when filename and project title exceeds 100 characters.


  • Evaluating a risk on the matrix zoom view does now not prompt it to close the dialog.



  • Fixes issue with the S-Curve variance_total calculation.



  • Fixes issue with the reload of the report text field element. It does now handle textarea fields.



  • Fixes issue in toggle/un-toggle of log object view.



  • Adds text searching in the notes field for log entries
  • Adds fold/unfold button in the log list
  • Adds UI feature for the report setup page, such as: copy report setup and sorting in the report list


  • The filenames for generated reports are changed to the following format: .docx
  • Categories and tags are now shown in the same order everywhere in the system.
  • At "email subscription" and "risk list setup" in the profile view, closed projects, templates, and projects related to blocked/closed contracts are discarded.
  • Added report list sorting for triple value estimates on evaluations.
  • Streamlining the date formats across RamRisk
  • Change the way a user is added to a project, it is now a two-step process.
  • New updated manual

Bug Fixes

  • Minor UI bug is fixed for the report element highlighting.


Bug Fixes

  • Fixes issue with missing dependency in ``copy_project.html''. This would cause all javascript on this page to break.



  • References.
  • Search in log filter. It is now possible to search the log for strings contained in the risk's notes field.
  • Highlight of report element when editing.


  • Control dialog tabs has been streamlined to only show the relevant tabs when creating new and showing existing controls.


Bug Fixes

  • Fixes issue with the value at risk report element.



  • A new status filter is implemented when searching in existing controls. When searching it is now possible to filter existing controls based on their statuses.
  • Mouseover on risk matrices show the frequency and consequence information for the given cell.
  • Now possible to remove project logos in the admin view.
  • A progress spinner is implemented when exporting to a spreadsheet from the admin view.
  • Addition of "help"-menu item - By clicking the "?" in the top right corner you will be able to download different material such as a complete manual.
  • Opportunity-matrices are now colored with 4 different shadings of blue.
  • Full reporting of opportunities:
    • Opportunity-matrices
    • Opportunity barplots
    • Opportunity "VAR" . i.e. expected gain from opportunities
    • Opportunity S-curve
    • Combined opportunities and risks in both VAR and S-curves (answering what are the total risk summing risks and opportunities)
  • New report element "Text field" - Now you can add text field with your reports, save them as a templates and re-use these texts the following month
  • Sorting a risk list on basis of a single risk target (if you are choosing sorting on risk level and only one risk target in the drop-down under "Risk evaluations"
  • A new "apply filter" feature in the report generator - This function takes the current filter options and apply them on all report elements in a saved report.
  • A new status filter is implemented when searching in existing controls. When searching it is now possible to filter existing controls based on their statuses.
  • Mouseover on risk matrices show the frequency and consequence information for the given cell.
  • It is now possible to remove the logo's from projects.


  • New links in reminder e-mails such that you can easily access the project, risk, control list or action list.
  • Graphical changes regarding the tags dialog window.
  • All new project logos are downscaled to a maximum 800 pixels. This will improve the performance when generating reports.
  • When re-using existing controls, now you can choose not to search in controls that are "done" or "discarded"
  • Indication that a report is shared within the project ("public")
  • Ownership changes report element - The number of risks follow the chosen filter (default new and open). The number of possible, planned and ongoing controls and actions are shown, and in parenthesis the total number of controls and actions, respectively
  • Export to Excel does now support the "notes" field specified by the risk information.

Bug Fixes

  • From the responsibilities view when opening a control it was not possible to save the control after receiving "unposted comments" warning.


Hotfix release


  • Adds .svg icon to the 'Notes' tab in the Risk view.
  • Fixes an issue where hidden checkboxes would cause bad formatting of the Action dialog elements.


  • Changes the size of the circle markers in Causes, Risk, Effects, and Notes fields when text is entered.
  • Django menu item has been replaced with an icon.
  • A 'Help' menu has been added giving users direct access to the Ramrisk documentation through the browser interface.
  • It is no longer possible to add empty report elements to a report.



  • A new field for arbitrary Notes/Comments has been added to the Risk model. The field has full traceability as all changes are logged. Notes can be included in report risk lists.
  • Risk Targets are now automatically saved when pressing the "edit classes" button.


  • Risk, Control, and Action list filters are now fixed in position when scrolling the respective lists.
  • Circle markers indicating if content has been saved in text fields changed to SVG images.
  • The term "Risk Target" has been consistently set across different buttons in the admin view.
  • The current system time is now added as default in the reporting module when saving a new timestamp.
  • Template project names are now sorted alphabetically in the project list.
  • Frequency and Consequence descriptions in Risk Target matrices have been changed from a maximum of 50 to 75 characters.

Bug Fixes

  • Sorting parameters are now properly included when generating reports with "limited" print filters.
  • Copying Risk Targets from another project now correctly includes settings for 'scale with budget', 'explicit evaluation', the scaling percentiles, the budget, and the risk reserve.
  • Fixes an issue where saving risk target classes would indiscriminately check the validity of the budget field, even if 'scale with budget' was not enabled.



  • Changes due to explicit risk evaluation are now displayed in log objects.
  • Explicit risk evaluation now allow negative values.
  • Risk target frequency and consequence classes now allow negative values.
  • When "explicit risk evaluation" is enabled, frequency and consequence mean values are now displayed in the "Matrix Zoom" dialog box.
  • New way of calculating ValueAtRisk when a project matrix is using explicit evaluations.
  • Adds percentiles to the S-Curve plot together with the budget and reserve values of a projects.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixes an issue where an explicit risk evaluation, which did not change the matrix cell, would not generate a log object representing the change.
  • Fixes an issue where an explicit risk evaluation leading to an interval error would still cause a save of the evaluation.
  • Links to template projects now actually lead to the project.
  • Fixes issue in report filtering when searching on risk number interval.



  • Enables user responsibility removal for Risks, Controls and Actions.
  • Cosmetic changes to width of Categories & Tags in Risk view.
  • Adds multiple support changes for better support of Internet Explorer, including forced compatibility mode to newest rendering engine.
  • Updated excel & csv export to include new explicit risk estimation.
  • Adds the ability to scale budget from absolute values to percentiles.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixes issue with Risk List report element where previous risk levels are not shown when identical to current risk levels.
  • Fix, reports containing no report elements can no longer be generated.
  • S-Curve report elements can only be added if a there exists a risk matrix using explicit risk estimation.


Hotfix Release


  • Log objects are now annotated with a note when an evaluation changes due to a change in the matrix classes.
  • Dialog box warning that a re-evaluation is needed will now only show when input is acceptable.
  • Parsing of risk matrix frequency and consequence class values has been restructured and is now handled more rigidly on the backend. This is an invisible change, but allows more flexibility in the way we handle the input.

Bug Fixes

  • Saving a risk target with no associated matrices will no longer fail.
  • Trying to save an unmodified evaluation will no longer throw an exception.
  • An explicit evaluation on a risk target with no existing evaluation will no longer fail silently.
  • Resetting an evaluation will now generate a log object for the change.
  • Fixed a bug where trying to copy from a template you are not an active user on would cause an exception when trying to access the project data.
  • Frequency and consequence class interval conflicts are no longer saved to the database.
  • Consequence display selection is now also available for explicit evaluation mode.
  • The "Edit template" link now actually directs to the given project admin view.
  • When using both "explicit evaluation" and "scale with budget" modes, it was possible to save invalid class intervals on first save. This should no longer be possible.



  • New reporting system.
  • Triple estimates with explicit risk evaluation.
  • Update of risk matrices by means of scaling with budget value.
  • S-Curve reporting element.
  • Basic Project information, report element.
  • Adds the ability to remove ownership from risk when first assigned.
  • Marking of overdue deadlines in control and actions lists.
  • Various layout improvements.


Hotfix Release

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed a bug in the control handling which resulted in denial of creation and edit of controls. It was caused by erroneous print statements which would cause a Unicode error when using special characters such as ???.



  • Contract summary now includes a list of active users. List can be toggled to show or hide. Default behavior is hidden.
  • Contract owners can now change a project's status to either open or closed. Closed projects are read-only.
  • Template projects can now be created. All active users on a contract have access to these templates. Only active users can edit the project information.
  • Risks, controls, and actions can now be copied from other projects.
  • Read-only status is now shown on project list. Also, by default, closed projects are hidden on the project list.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed a bug caused by the filename in the excel export feature.



  • Excel export feature. It is now possible to export all essential data from a project as an excel file. It is furthermore possible to differentiate between what data should be exported.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed bug in contract view which resulted in an error message when trying to add new users to the system.



  • Administrators on a project is now able to change mail-subscription of the projects users.
  • General css alignment in the Admin interface.
  • Added some extra sanitizing in access import scripts.
  • Added new, Django version compliant, settings file, we can now update to Django 1.5.1.


Hotfix Release

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed an issue when sending welcome mail to user which are newly added, and not activated inactive users



  • Customized risk list column layout.
  • Filtering of the project log.
  • Contract #### Features added.
  • Customized number of risk show on each risk list page.



  • Added counter on the list pages, showing how many risks/control/actions are listed in the current filter.
  • In the report view, no timestamps are as default selected.
  • Categories and tags are now included when exporting to csv.
  • A present time-stamp is used when no timestamps are selected, when generating reports.

Bug Fixes

  • Deadlines which are overdue, are now marked properly in the responsibility view.
  • Firefox bug, when downloading files with witespaces in the filename.



  • New responsibilities page with new tree-representation of risks, controls and actions. Furthermore options for filtering on risk, control and actions statuses and special coloring of yours and others responsibility.
  • New elements to the report risk list, giving the opportunity to add controls, actions and tags to the list
  • Consequence classes are now again an option when using the previous worst risk evaluation in an report with the risk list.

Bug Fixes

  • Allow unattached controls to be attached to confidential risks.
  • Include ownership statistics for users only responsible for actions.
  • Previous worst risk levels are now not shown in the risk list report when there are not any worst risk present for that time period.
  • Minor changes to the front page.


Hotfix Release

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed an issue with the responsibilities, where not all actions belonging to a specific user is shown.
  • Fixed an issue where timestamps using non-ascii characters would cause a server error.
  • When generating a report with the 'Worst Risk Level'-element then the risk title would always be included in the list. This has been fixed to only include what is specified.


Hotfix Release

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed an issue which is special cases would cause the login screen, on a successful login not to redirect to the root url.



  • Include risk targets in the report filter.
  • You can now choose which matrix to display in the risk list when generating a report.
  • Report element "Owner Change List" added. Given two timestamps this element will add a table containing ownership changes in that time period.
  • Added description extensions for the subscription emails.
  • Redirects from front page is now taking into account what page the user wants to access.
  • New risk list type for increased/decreased risks between two timestamps.

Bug Fixes

  • Fix the search function in the 'Existing Controls'-tab. Now it is also possible to search on the control number in this search field.
  • Fix an issue in the control and action lists where the pop-up did not reflect the actual status on the object.
  • Fixed a bug which would always deny the user to attach an existing control to a risk.
  • Improve Word document generation which removes an error message when certain report elements were included.
  • Fixed an issue with scrolling in the small risk list (in the main risk view).


Hotfix Release

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed an issue with the report element Ownership Statistics.



  • Add support for read-only users on projects. A read-only user cannot change risks, controls or actions. A read-only user can still create comments on these objects. Read-only users are allowed to create and print reports.
  • A new field has been added to the risk targets such that units can be specified for each target.
  • Risks, controls and actions can now be searched for using its number. For example searching for '1,7-10,50' will find risks numbered 1 and 50 and the risks in the range 7 to 10, i.e. risks 1, 7, 8, 9, 10 and 50.
  • Filter risks, control and actions by evaluations.
  • Add extended filtering options for Risk, Control and Action lists.
  • All drop-down menus (in risk, control and action views) have been replaced with multiple selects such that more than one option can be chosen.
  • Report element for showing closed or new risks in a given period.
  • Report element Ownership statistics list, used to count the number of risks owned by given users.
  • Overview of user subscription in the admin user interface.
  • Arrow indicator showing the sorting direction in lists.


  • Modify the options "Worst risk level" and "Include worst risk level from previous timestamp" in the risk list report element such that timestamps are always used. Thus, only clicking off the first option will need at least one timestamp while clicking off the second option will require two timestamps. It is assumed that the most recent timestamp is the present and second most recent is the previous. This will make the options behave just as the other report elements.
  • Layout style of the Report Risk List is now changed, for better usability.
  • Added default choices in the report ordering and filtering for a better user workflow.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed the ordering of users in the admin interface.
  • Log entries are now added when remapping users.


Hotfix Release

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed a bug which meant that new risks could not be saved.



  • Export the risk, control and action lists to CSV. CSV is a text file with risk information values separated by tabs (the tabulator key). The file can be imported in Microsoft Excel. Upon import ensure that the delimiter is 'Tab' and the encoding should be UTF-8 in order to display special characters (i.e. ??? etc.) correctly.
  • Email notification of an approaching deadline is now implemented. Both in the back-end and front-end. This feature can be accessed on the profile page under the 'Email Subscriptions'. It can be activated by checking the checkbox off 'Alert me two weeks before deadlines of control or actions I am responsible'.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed an issue with select boxes on the report page being unreachable when unfolding.


  • Ensure that supplementary files for displaying and using the service (CSS and JavaScript files) are automatically reloaded/updated client-side.
  • Change the behaviour of filtering on tags in the risk list and report filter. Previously all tags were filtered using logical OR. This is still true if filtering is done only within a single category. However, if the tag filtering spans multiple categories then logical AND is used on tags from different categories.


Bug Fixes

  • Fixed a typo causing risk lists including worst risk from last time stamp to fail.
  • Fixed a bug which would never include confidential risks in reporting filtering regardless of the option selected.
  • Improve filtering on confidentiality in statistic plots (worst risk/evaluation count matrices, value at risk and worst risk bar plot).
  • Worst risk and evaluation count matrices now only use timestamps.
  • Fixed the check/uncheck all check box when adding a new time stamp.



  • Contracts Module

    • Quick overview of payments, projects and users for the contract owner
    • Add projects to a contract
    • Users are added to the contract via the projects
  • Reporting Module

    • Add reporting of status statistics
  • Project Administration

    • Re-use Categories and Tags from other projects
  • Subscriptions

    • Subscribe to ownership changes
    • Subscribe to changes to risks, controls and action owned by you.
    • Subscribe to changes to controls and actions on risks that you own.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed the bug which caused imported projects not to be able to add more tags.
  • Fixed bug which did not grant access to shared controls.
  • A page refresh is no longer needed to access a newly created quick user in another field.


  • Order users alphabetically in risk, control and action list filters.



  • Reporting Module
    • Generate reports in Word format
    • Advanced filtering and sorting on risks
    • Risk lists
    • Matrix and bar plot of evaluations
    • Value at Risk
    • Save and reuse report templates
    • Reports can be shared within the project
    • Add/Edit/Delete timestamps
    • Display report generation progress
    • Include filtering options in the report and control the verbosity level

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed ordering by worst risk (risk level)
  • Fixed bug where all newly created tags was removed if the bottom one was deleted
  • Fixed bug specific to Firefox which did not allow text in other users' comments to be selected
  • Fixed security issue which allowed non-privileged users to create projects
  • Fixed bug where a user could make several identical evaluations


  • New text on front page
  • Activating a quick-user has been made easier
  • Improved client- and sever-side validation
  • The project list is now sorted alphabetically


Initial release